Friday, August 15, 2008

Indonesian Day today!

Yea~ School made me wear batik~ hahahah~
Wanna see me in batik? *GR mode on*
Well I'll try to post a picture yeah?
And also a video of our sucky performance *referring to year 8s* *dikejar sekelas*
We played Indonesian games, itu loh permaenan tujuhbelasan gitu gituuu~
There is krupuk eating, sarung soccer, bakiak *I only participated in this one*, and... what else, I forgot~

Our class had to sing and play gamelan for 'Suwe Ora Jamu', and it turned out into a silent song... hahahah how embarassing~ Only gamelan folks did their best job~ hahahah
The year 9's performance was the best! *well in my opinion*
Why? I'll post a video of it~ hehehe

The rest of performance was enjoyable. Well, some aren't...

When the foreign students here spoke Indo, they sound good and cuuuuute! ROFL~

It was a really great day~ Lots of fun, laughs, and sweats~ hahahah

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hha... :)